
Community Connections: County of Lamont Food Bank

It’s Thanksgiving, and we’re very grateful to partner with generous Albertan organizations like the County of Lamont Food Bank.

young woman with plaid shirt and mask stands in front of lamont food bank building with a food hamper

It’s the season of giving, and gratitude is in the air. At this time of year, we’re very thankful to partner with generous organizations like the County of Lamont Food Bank.

Putting food on the table can be a challenge for many rural Albertans. As a 100% volunteer-run nonprofit, the County of Lamont Food Bank brings a welcoming and compassionate approach to keeping community members nourished and healthy. Through our Community Connections complimentary internet donation, they can stay connected to their management systems and run virtual meetings, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The County of Lamont Food Bank’s Board Chair and Director of Operations, Jody Zachoda, recently shared what the Community Connections program has meant to them.

What’s your mission, purpose, and passion as an organization?

We’re passionate about providing Lamont County residents with access to sufficient, nutritious food in a caring, confidential, and non-judgmental way.

How has MCSnet’s donation and complimentary internet connection left a positive impact on your organization?

MCSnet’s donation and complimentary internet connection have allowed our organization to utilize and connect to Link2Feed. This is a client management system that is used by food banks across Canada.

Why are you enthusiastic about helping Albertans?

The best way to address food insecurity is working in partnership with organizations and people in Lamont County. We value nutrition education and advocacy programs that lead toward self-sufficiency and sustainable food systems.

In what ways has the internet opened up opportunities for your organization?

Besides the Link2Feed system, we’ve used the internet for COVID-friendly meetings on Zoom. As an organization that is 100% volunteer-run, it allows our entire time to access information and communications about our operations.

Can you tell us your favourite story about how you’re making a difference?

One cold winter day, a community member ran into an old friend who was struggling with houselessness. This person brought the friend home to help them get back on their feet.

Helping the friend came with some unexpected extra costs, and they soon found themselves struggling for food. They decided to reach out to the County of Lamont Food Bank for help. The hamper the community member received enabled them to continue to support their friend. Today, the friend is in safe and permanent housing.

Recently, we also received a kind message from a single mom with children who benefited from one of our hampers:

“…Incredible, nutritional, bountiful amounts of foods that were gifted to us. I am overwhelmed with gratitude. THANK YOU to every person involved with the County of Lamont Food Bank and the donators.”

What does making real connections in your community mean to you?

Lamont County is a large area with a rural population. Having access to communication and awareness is an important piece of the puzzle for services available to our clients. Being accessible by technology is imperative, especially during COVID-19 restrictions.

If you had one piece of advice for organizations looking to improve connection in rural Alberta, what would it be?

Repetition, repetition, repetition! Keep putting your message out there. Keep making connections and reaching out to the community.

What kind of future do you imagine for rural Alberta?

We’re optimistic that communities will continue to help each other when we see a need!

Keep Alberta Thriving with Community Connections

Are you making an impact in the rural Alberta community, or do you know an organization that is? Be sure to nominate them for our Community Connections program! At MCSnet, we donate a portion of our profits toward local nonprofits that are making a difference. If you subscribe to our internet, you can feel good knowing that your monthly fee helps keep Albertans connected.

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