A Province Wide Open House for Farms
Alberta Open Farms Days is an incubator event for agri-tourism and rural sustainability. Albertans are brought together through educational and experiential, agricultural-based initiatives to learn about where their food comes from.
Alberta Open Farm Days is a great opportunity to get out of the city, or town, and visit your neighbouring rural communities, eat delicious food, and meet your farmers! You can find a list of participating farms here.
Year of the Bison
This year, Alberta Open Farms Days is shining a spotlight on one of Alberta’s keystone species: Bison. Bison are a historically important part of the eco-system in Alberta, as well as a keystone ingredient for generations who lived on this land.

The buffalo was an incredibly important part of Indigenous people of the plains. The buffalo hunt was a part of a huge community event where every part of the buffalo was used. Bones were turned into utensils and tools, sinew provided thread, the hide was used for clothing and shelter, and the meat was used for food. You can read more about this featured animal on the Alberta Open Farm Days website.
MCSnet and Chatsworth Farm
MCSnet is a proud sponsor of the Open Farm Days event this year at Chatsworth Farm. Chatsworth Farm is family owned and operated and is located in east central Alberta, about two hours east of Edmonton, in the County of Vermilion River. They raise beef cattle, sheep, chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese as well as grow cereal and legume crops on more than 2,500 acres of beautiful, rolling parkland.

The Chatsworth Family has a passion for raising sustainable, ethical, and quality beef, lamb, poultry, eggs, and grains. Find a list of events and register for this FREE day by clicking here. Find us on-site to talk about all things rural internet.
Open Farm Days Tips and Tricks
Here are some things you should keep in mind while planning your Open Farm Days adventures.
- Bring cash! While Open Farm Days is a free event, there may be paid activities. You might see some farm-fresh products you’d like to buy, or some farms may have lunch you’ll be able to purchase. Debit/credit card transactions may not be available.
- Bring a cooler! This will be handy for all the fresh products you’ve purchased.
- Pay attention to the signs and rules at each farm. These are working farms and safety is number 1!
- Be prepared for the weather (and mosquitoes) and appropriate foot wear is a must.
- Charge your phone/camera because you’re going to want to take a lot of pictures.
- No pets. At all. Pets are not allowed on farms.
- Use the #ABFarmDays hashtag and tag it in all your photos.
Stay Connected
Follow Alberta Open Farm Days and Chatsworth Farm on Facebook. Again, you can use the #ABFarmDays hashtag and tag it in all your photos.