This week, MCSnet wants to shed some light on the myth that bundled services are the most affordable way to go. It’s very common for retailers from all sectors to offer bundled services to entice you and lock you into their product or service. Certainly internet providers love to do this. These often seem like a wonderful deal, but let’s take a moment to really look into this. Is it the best for your family or is it just a way for these companies lock you in?
The idea for this blog actually came from conversations with a new team member here at MCSnet who is currently a customer of one of our competitors (not for much longer, let’s just add.) This person has bundled services that include TV, internet, and a very basic security package. After a few minutes researching ways to provide these services with a self-directed approach they were amazed at the savings.
Their bundled services plan is costing them just over $270 per month. If they separated their services and took control of each service themselves, their costs would be vastly reduced.

This self-directed plan would cost them $149.95/ month saving this family $120 each month!
Granted there’s an initial expense with the security equipment purchase, however this is also their decision. They can choose how much or how little equipment they need and whether or not to purchase it all at once or spread it out over time to spread out the cost. They also have the piece of mind that they own the equipment and if they move it goes with them.
Added to the $120 monthly savings is the knowledge that their expenses are entirely under their control. If they wish for more streaming services they can do that. If they need to cut back they can do that as well. In these times of such economic turmoil, having control of your family’s finances is incredibly important.
By choosing MCSnet as an internet service provider, you also have the comfort know that the price of your monthly package will not increase after the optional two-year term is over. The other added benefits include local support, the ability to upgrade or downgrade your package according to your usage, and complimentary upgrades of network equipment, such as GigAir, when it comes available.
Take some time with a loved one who has bundled services and do some research with them. We’re certain you will find that a self-directed approach is always the more affordable choice.